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So the front of the sack announces that you can kill rats without the use of poisonous chemicals and lists the ingredients, Corn cobs: 94% ie the bit of corn on the cob that you don't eat, (in the same way the bones are the bit of the cow you don't eat), and wheat flour: 1% and molasses; 5%. You don't eat the corn cob because it is tough and hard and fibrous. You don't eat coconut shells for the same reason and that doesn't make them poisonous.
The back of the packet is full of warnings,
So because it can act as a poison for rats, but to us is a completely harmless, it has to comply with rules as if it was poisonous to us, and quite possibly safe for rats. Presumably if we come up with an environmentally safe alternative to the internal combustion engine, it will be taxed and legislated for as if it was dangerous and polluting.
Back to the relevant bit, does it work? Yes BUT.
You have to learn to work backwards. With your standard, drop dead lethal, rat poison, you are, I sincerely hope, working out how to ensure that ONLY rats can get at the stuff, and you work on the principle that they will eat it sooner or later.
With Eradibait, who cares who eats it. Any wasted on chickens, horses or children will only cost you the money for the product you wasted. I eat the stuff myself to prove a point. It is perfectly filthy, but safe. The bantams scratch around in the stuff the rats have kicked out of their burrows while excavating. The dog catches the rats that are slowing down as a result of Eradirat ingestion, and I suspect our feral cat is making sure very few get back to their burrow to die. The ponies try to nick the bags of poison and the ferrets hunt the honeycomb walls. And my 4 children, ages ranging from 3 to 15 wander around doing whatever it is that children do.........and I do not worry about poison. For that alone, Eradibait is worth the money.
We live in a rented farmhose with 70 yards X 10 yards of rambling stone built redundant barns. When we arrived there was a major rat problem and the walls are totally tunnelled out. While learning to use Eradibait, I was baiting 15 different points and going through Eradibait at a rate of knots. Now I am baiting one hole and controlling the rats easily.
When I started using Eradibait, I had two problems. My rats did't like it, and I didn't know how to use it. The third problem is that the instructons don't make sense in the real world. That's simply dealt with, ignore them. They suggest for indoor use, "all likely food sorces must be removed or made unavailable to rodents". In your dreams mate. If we could do this we wouldn't bother trying to get rid of the little creeps because they wouldn't be a problem. And outdoor use, for most people, why bother. I don't mind rats in the woods and hedges, or down by the streams and boating down the b****y river in children's books (though Ratty was of course a Bank Vole), in fact I am perefectly tolerant of rats if they aren't eating the ponies/guinea pigs/gerbils/bantams/dogs/ferrets food or babies. So indoor is the problem and rats can get into anything.
The solution is simple and easy ONCE you have made the initial effort. You have to find the elite property in rat terms.Think of yourself on TV doing a program on celebrity rats. Which hole is THE hole to be seen coming out of, where are the paparatzi clustering. Once you have identified that hole, put in carefully prepared (back in TV mode, but this time Celebrity Rat Chef) dishes to tempt the most jaded rat palate. Once the resident of this palatial hole succumbs, the next most senior celebrity rat moves in and in turn, moves on to a better, or at least different world. It's "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!" in reverse.
To tempt your rat, and you may be lucky and live in an area where Eradibait is the plat du jour, I make up little handcrafted designer bags of Eradibait and peanut butter, which I insert into the celebrity doorway, and let nature take its course. What celeb can resist a personalised goody bag. Click this link to see how. And here's one I made earlier
I finally got round to writing this as a result of talking to the Wolds Owl Group. I had thought of selling Eradibait as a sideline, (call anytime and I will of course sell you as much as I can, or just e-mail all your credit card details and you can forget about the rats because you will have major financial problems that will completely overshadow your pathetic rat problem), but as you can see, Eeradirat isn't as obviously easy as putting out seriously toxic stuff.
I believed in the product, I just didn't see preaching the gospel of responsible rodent control as financially viable. But given the problems Owls and other carnivores face round farm buildings and domestic property, Eradibait makes total sense. And the ecologically aware can learn the NEW techniques associated with non toxic poisoning and show farmers how to control rats easily, affordably and above all safely. The environmental benefits are the icing on the cake, but if people do something because it makes sense, we don't have to waste the environmental guilt trip approach. A bit of education and anybody can control rats with Eradibait, but you can't just bung it down.
That is why I have put down my experiences, speaking as an enthusiastic user and am happy to help anyone with advice. The risk is that I will try to sell you an Organic Quad Bike .
eradirat, rat bait, eradibait, poison, safe poison, saddlechariot, designer bags, I'm a celebrity, celebrity chef, designer handbag,goody bag, rat poison, rodenticide
Thank you so much. I have been looking everywhere for a solution that would not harm my dog. Trouble is I live in the the states. This stuff is prohibitively expensive and doubly so because of shipping. I am trying to find out if one could use a bulk alpha cellulose powder mixed with peanut butter instead of the pre-made pellets and I can't find info anywhere about it. Any ideas?
Thank you so much for your advice! I have debated long & hard about using 'poisons'. I have 2 chickens in a rather small city garden. I used to fill bird feeders, but not any more! So I've reduced the advantageous food as much as possible, tried traps, but the blighters were just laughing at me! No more! The prepared bags would disappear from one end of the garden whilst I was baiting the other! But not today! Yeah! Only one bag out of 5 has gone. The winning trick, I'm sure is the peanut butter - many thanks again for the tip, & giving me the confidence to use the Eradibait around my chicks & cats! (I think the cats, by the way, are 'ratted' out - overwhelmed by the number of them!)
very interesting to read about this sort of rat poison. Anytime you can make something safer its a good thing, especially something like this. Thanks!
Thanks for the great feedback on our product.
We are the manufacturers of all powdered corn cob rodenticies, of which Eradibait is one of our brands.
For more information on Powdered Corn Cob rodenticides and how it works, check out our website
Thanks again for these tips on how to use the product, particularly the one about peanut butter- this is something that we are looking into, as this is a reoccurring theme in our feedback.
It is great information. Rat poison is very harmful and it is good to have safety while using it. COSHH training reduce the risk of costly chemical accidents.
Health and Safety Consultant.
Thanks for the blog post buddy! Keep them coming.
pest control san antonio
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